Welcome to St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is an essential component of our Christian mission at St. Patrick’s Parish. We
assist our Parish and our very busy priests by our attendance to seven long term facilities
located within our Parish, two hospitals, the Father Lacombe Care Centre & Providence Care Centre in addition to individual home visits. 
We are called to journey with the sick, the shut-in, the lonely, the bereaved and the dying.
To find more information on how you can become a Pastoral Care Disciple, please email  pastoral.care@stpatrickcalgary.com
 A Diocesan Pastoral Training Program is being held on November 11th and 25th

Want to become Catholic?

Every person has a unique faith journey and we want to accommodate and accompany you in your walk with God.

There are various avenues to full participation in the life of grace found in the Catholic Church depending on prior sacraments, age, formation, etc. We want to meet you where you are at. Let’s begin the conversation.