Welcome to St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
Infant Jesus of Prague Devotion
Next Evening of Devotion: Feb 21st
A new Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague is beginning Saturday, November 16.
This Devotion will take place monthly at 8 pm on Zoom for 9 days beginning the 16th of each month and ending on the 25th. Each session is approximately 50 minutes – 35 minutes for Novena Prayers, 10 minutes for Reflection and 5 minutes for announcements.
One Friday a month during the 9 day Novena will be set aside for Prayer and Adoration in the Church at 7 pm.
Registration is required – you will be sent a Zoom link via email prior to the start of the first session.
Books, Chaplets & Rosaries will be available in the Parish Office.
Links to more information on the Infant Jesus of Prague

1) https://corjesusacratissimum.org/2013/12/prayers-and-devotions-to-the-divine-infant-jesus-of-prague/
2) https://www.fisheaters.com/childjesus.html
3) https://www.virgosacrata.com/devotion-to-the-infant-jesus-of-prague.html.
4) https://blessedisshe.net/en-gb/blogs/blog/devotion-infant-jesus
5) https://www.cenacle.co.uk/devotion-to-the-infant-jesus-of-prague
6) https://traditionalcatholicprayers.com/2019/08/22/infant-jesus-of-prague-novenas-chaplet-devotions/
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